Other Sacramental Ministry at St. John's Lafayette

Reconciliation of a Penitent (Private Confession)

The saying, “All may, some should, none must” characterizes our approach to the sacrament of private confession. There may well come the time in the development of a person’s life in faith that the private and specific articulation of past behaviors or actions, which has become a burden or obstacle to further growth, should be shared and offered to God. This sharing is done so that God’s forgiveness can be assured to the penitent person and, if appropriate, counsel can be offered. It is also done in strict confidence, with the assurance that the secrecy of the confession is morally absolute for the person hearing the confession.

To see the ritual used, turn to pp. 447 or 449 in the Prayer Book. To schedule an appointment for help in preparing, or in making your confession, contact the clergy.

Lay Eucharistic Visitation & Ministry to the Sick

The Church’s ministry to the sick includes not only prayer and pastoral visitation but also the administration of Holy Communion by the clergy or a licensed layperson, as well as the administration of Holy Unction and the Reconciliation of a Penitent, normally done by clergy.

Holy Communion when brought by a layperson is normally brought on a Sunday following the parish liturgy. Holy Unction is the anointing of the sick with oil blessed by the bishop, and should not be understood as an “in extremis” response but rather as a part of the Church’s normal and repeatable ministry to the sick. Sacramental anointing and prayers for the sick are offered at every Sunday Eucharist during the time of communion in the Chapel. Because Jesus connected healing and forgiveness, the sacrament of Reconciliation of a Penitent is always available for those whose healing and wholeness might be impeded by some past experience of offense, fault or alienation serving to block their acceptance of God’s mercy, love and grace.

For more information, please contact St. John's Episcopal Church by at 765.742.4079 or by EMAIL.