Weddings & Blessings at St. John's Lafayette

The Prayer Book presumes a relationship with the local church on the part of the couple that wishes their marriage blessed. Such a relationship may be in its beginning stages, but it must be in good faith. A minimum of six months is necessary to adequately schedule the four or more meetings with the clergy person working with the couple. Preparation includes consideration of both the ceremony itself as well as the Church’s hope for the couple’s life together, as expressed in the prayers of the liturgy, and how that hope might be lived out. Persons seeking marriage preparation should contact the clergy directly.

Prior divorce for either or both partners does not preclude the church’s blessing on an intended marriage. In that case, however, the priest and couple direct additional attention to the circumstances of the failure of the prior marriage(s) and the new self-awareness that is brought to this present marriage.

For more information, see the Celebration and Blessing of a Marriage and the Conduct of Weddings at St. John's Church and/or the Witnessing and Blessing of a Lifelong Covenant

For more information, please contact St. John's Episcopal Church by EMAIL or at 765.742.4079.